Backpacker's Delight: A Deep Dive into Our Pad Thai With Chef Soraya

Backpacker's Delight: A Deep Dive into Our Pad Thai With Chef Soraya

Learn about our Pad Thai meals from Chef Soraya

When you think about backpacking, the first few things that might pop into your head are vast landscapes, daunting mountains, and the unparalleled serenity of nature. But let's admit it, food is a close contender on that list! Good food isn’t just sustenance for the body; it’s nourishment for the soul. That’s precisely why our Backpacker's Pantry Pad Thai and Pad Thai with Chicken have consistently remained at the top of the charts as some of our most beloved meals.

Pad Thai - A Backpacker's Staple

Originating from the streets of Thailand, Pad Thai is a tantalizing mix of sweet, sour, and umami flavors. But the real challenge was to take this complex dish, preserve its authenticity, and make it accessible to backpackers, campers, hunters, and anglers on the go. And voila! The Backpacker's Pantry Pad Thai was born.

Our vegan-friendly and gluten free version captures the heart and soul of traditional Pad Thai. Imagine slurping up those silky rice noodles mixed with a tangy tamarind sauce, crunchy peanuts, vegetables, and a touch of lime. And the best part? It’s lightweight, easy to pack, and even easier to prepare! A swift addition of boiling water and a little patience, and you're dining on a gourmet meal in the wilderness.

For the Meat Lovers: Pad Thai with Chicken

To those who crave a bit of protein in their meals, try our Pad Thai with Chicken. We source the best freeze-dried chicken to ensure that you get that juicy, meaty flavor without compromising on the weight or prep time. The tender chunks of chicken meld beautifully with the flavors of our Pad Thai, making it a wholesome and satisfying meal that’ll power you through your hikes.

From the Expert's Kitchen: Chef Soraya’s Take

Chef Soraya, a culinary expert with a penchant for creating backpack-friendly meals, has tried, tested, and given our Pad Thai varieties her stamp of approval. Watch the video above to hear how she crafted the flavors and her personal experience with our Pad Thai. 

And People Love It!


Consistency is key. Whether you're scaling the heights of the Rockies or camping in the serene woods of the Appalachians, the Backpacker's Pantry Pad Thai promises a consistent taste, texture, and satisfaction. The lightweight packaging ensures it's not a burden in your pack, and the quick prep time means more time to enjoy the great outdoors.

To top it off, it caters to different dietary preferences. From vegans to meat-lovers, there's a Pad Thai for every backpacker out there. It’s this inclusivity, combined with unbeatable flavor (with a little spice and heat), that makes it a top-rated meal in our lineup.


As you prepare for your next adventure, don’t forget to pack some Backpacker's Pantry Pad Thai. Because in the heart of nature, while everything else might be unpredictable, the taste and comfort of a good meal should remain consistent.

Safe travels and happy eating!