Spring Cleaning Tips for Preparing Your Outdoor Gear This Season

How to Prep Your Hiking, Camping, and Backpacking Gear For Summer
Camping, backpacking, and hiking season is just around the corner, making the next few weeks the perfect time for you to do some deep spring cleaning to get ready for your upcoming outdoor adventures.
It's vital that you give your camping and hiking gear a quick once-over each season to make sure everything is functioning and accounted for. It's also important to make sure all of your gear gets properly cleaned.
I know what you're thinking: camping and hiking gear is supposed to get dirty! And this is true! But in order to keep your gear in tip top shape and ensure it lasts you through all of your adventures, you want to make sure you are taking the best possible care of it.
Here are a few spring cleaning things to consider when you’re pulling equipment out of storage this year.
Keeping your footwear and clothes clean
Boots are an essential tool for any avid outdoorsman, but they require regular cleaning just like any other piece of gear or clothing. Many popular hiking boots are made with leather, which can be cleaned with dish soap and water.
You can wash most standard outdoor clothes, like shirts and pants, in a washer with regular detergent. For other items, like cold-weather pants or down jackets, there are specific cleaners that can keep your items fresh without wearing down the fabric.
Read the washing instructions on the label before you put anything in the dryer, because some outdoor adventure clothes are made with fabrics that are best air-dried. If you need to dry anything with down, throw some tennis balls in the drier with the clothes. This will keep your clothes from getting lumpy and misshapen. For more tips on washing your outdoor clothes properly, check out this article.
Prepping your camping and hiking gear
If you love camping and backpacking, don’t forget to evaluate the condition of your tent before the season’s first trip. Though it may sound like a lot of work, with the right tent cleaner, some dish soap, and a sponge, you can get your tent back into great condition without much difficulty.
Your backpack is another essential piece off gear that could use some spring cleaning TLC- particularly the part the rests against your back. Once you make sure the pockets are all empty, you can use hand soap to clean a backpack inside and out and then hang it to dry. Alternatively, if your washing machine is big enough, you can put your backpack in a pillowcase (so the zippers and buckles don’t catch) and wash it that way.
As you go through your equipment, check your first aid kit, too. If it’s damaged or falling apart, replace the kit itself. Either way, you'll want to go through the contents and verify that none of the items are past their expiration date. Make sure your first aid kit is fully stocked and replace any missing items prior to setting out on your first camping trip of the season.
Sleeping bags can usually be washed in a large washing machine, but if your sleeping bag is made with a special synthetic fabric, it may require a certain type of cleaner. When in doubt, check the instructions on the label. And again, when you dry a down sleeping bag, don't forget the tennis balls!
Don’t forget about your adventure vehicle during spring cleaning
The final touch to a successful spring clean is giving your car a thorough wash at the start of the season.
After your usual car wash and vacuum, clean your wiper blades, headlights, and windows. Consider keeping some cleaning supplies in your car as well, so that you can quickly wipe things down after your adventures.
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