486 Mile Journey Across The Colorado Trail

A Gateway To The Reset Button
-- By Rannveig Aamodt --
Have you ever felt like life is rushing by at a million mph and that you’re constantly running to catch up? Well, that’s how I felt in August of 2021, so I decided to take a long journey through the mountains.
My name is Rannveig Aamodt and I’m a professional rock climber - but it’s something that’s made me feel like I’ve been trying way too hard for way too long. I needed a reset, and spending time in nature with my horses was the obvious thing to do.
On a warm summer morning, I left Denver on a 486 mile journey across the state on the Colorado Trail. I was excited about this trip for so many reasons, but none were goal-oriented. I simply wanted to pass time in the mountains. I was constantly passed by people trying to set some sort of speed record, and I wanted the opposite: I wanted to slow down.
Once I found that new rhythm I could escape the momentum that has captured us all. Stress and tension melted away. And in that newfound space, I found a deeper connection with my horses. I didn’t know where I’d end each day and I didn’t care how long anything would take. I wanted peace, and I found it.

For more from Rannveig follower her on Instagram @Rannveigaamodt